
Bartell Mortar Mixers

3 products

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products
Save $675.50
Bartell Global Morrison Mixer Mortar 9cu.Ft. Gx240 - MM9SH240 MM9SH240
Save $1,660.00
Bartell Global Morrison Mortar Mixer 8 Cu Ft Gx240 With Pintle Tow Bar - MM8SH240 MM8SH240
Save $1,349.72
Bartell Global Morrison Mortar Mixer 6 Cu.Ft., Gx160 With Pintle Tow Bar - MM6SH160 MM6SH160

Bartell Mortar Mixers: Uncover Their Top Features

Bartell Mortar Mixers are integral to the construction industry, known for their durability and efficiency. These mixers provide a reliable solution for mixing mortar, which is essential in laying bricks and blocks or applying plaster. With a range of sizes and features designed to cater to different project needs, Bartell mixers have become synonymous with quality within the masonry and construction sectors.

Contractors often seek equipment that can withstand the rigors of tough job sites while delivering consistent performance. Bartell's commitment to innovation ensures their mortar mixers meet these demands, featuring robust designs that enhance longevity and ease of use. Whether it’s for a small repair job or large scale construction, choosing the right mixer can significantly impact productivity and work quality.

Efficiency on site is boosted by features such as powerful engines, heavy-duty frames, and ergonomic designs that facilitate easy operation and maintenance. As construction projects evolve in complexity, having tools like Bartell Mortar Mixers that adapt to various conditions becomes increasingly important for professionals aiming for top-tier results.

What is a Mortar Mixer?

A mortar mixer is an essential tool in the construction industry. It's specifically designed to mix mortar, which is a combination of sand, water, and cement or lime. This mixture creates a bonding agent that helps to hold building materials such as bricks and stones together.

Mortar mixers come in various sizes and designs, ranging from small portable models to large stationary units. They're built to handle the tough task of mixing heavy materials into a smooth, consistent paste that can be easily applied by masons.

  • Portable Mixers: These are small enough to be moved around job sites.
  • Stationary Mixers: Typically found in industrial settings where large volumes of mortar are needed.

The operation of a mortar mixer involves loading it with the dry components first followed by water. Once everything's inside, the mixer uses paddles or blades to churn the ingredients until they reach the desired consistency.

Here are some common features found in most mortar mixers:

  • A drum or barrel where the mixing takes place
  • An engine or motor that powers the mixing mechanism
  • Paddles or blades inside the drum for efficient mixing

Safety features such as grilles or covers prevent accidental injury during operation. The durability of these machines is critical since they often operate in harsh conditions filled with dust and debris.

For instance:

Heavy-duty designWithstands tough working environments
Variable speed controlAccommodates different types of mixes
WheelsEnhances portability on construction sites

Using a high-quality mortar mixer increases productivity and ensures that each batch of mortar has uniform consistency. This uniformity is crucial for maintaining structural integrity and longevity in buildings.

Types of Bartell Mortar Mixers

Bartell Global offers a diverse range of mortar mixers, designed to meet the varying needs of contractors and construction projects. Each type is engineered with attention to durability, efficiency, and the ability to handle different volumes and types of materials. Here's a closer look at some of the options available:

  • Towable Mortar Mixers: These models are ideal for larger job sites where significant quantities of mix are needed. They come equipped with wheels and a towing hitch for easy transportation behind vehicles.
  • Portable Mortar Mixers: For smaller projects or those requiring frequent relocation on the job site, portable mortar mixers provide convenient mobility without sacrificing performance.

The capacity among Bartell mortar mixers varies greatly, starting from smaller models that can handle around 2 cubic feet of material up to large-capacity mixers that deal with 12 cubic feet or more. This allows professionals to choose based on their specific project requirements.

ModelCapacityPower Source
Mini Mixer2 cubic feetElectric/Gasoline
Large Capacity12+ cubic feetGasoline/Diesel

These machines also differ in terms of power source; users can select from electric, gasoline, or diesel-powered variants depending on availability and preference for indoor or outdoor use. Additionally, certain models offer features like hydraulic dump systems which enhance productivity by making it easier to unload the mixed mortar.

Safety features are also a critical component across all types. Bartell ensures that each mixer includes guards over moving parts and emergency stop mechanisms so operators can work confidently knowing they're protected against accidents.

Bartell’s commitment to innovation means they often include unique design elements such as patented drum latch/lock systems which simplify operation while maintaining safety standards. With their robust construction and thoughtful engineering, these mortar mixers stand out as reliable assets in any construction arsenal.

Features and Benefits of Bartell Mortar Mixers

Bartell mortar mixers stand out in the construction industry for their reliability and efficiency. They're designed to address the needs of both DIY enthusiasts and professional contractors. These mixers ensure a consistent mix every time, which is crucial when working with materials that require precision.

  • Durability: Constructed with high-quality materials, Bartell mixers are built to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty use. Their solid steel frames can handle rough job site conditions without faltering.
  • Engine Options: Offering a variety of engine types, including electric and gasoline options, these mixers cater to different preferences and job requirements. This flexibility allows users to select a mixer that best fits their power availability or emission standards.

The design features of Bartell mortar mixers also contribute significantly to user convenience:

  • Compact Design: Despite their robust construction, many models boast a compact design that makes them easy to transport and maneuver on crowded job sites.
  • Easy Maintenance: With accessibility in mind, these machines have been engineered for straightforward maintenance. Quick access points for regular servicing minimize downtime and keep projects moving forward.

Performance-wise, you'll find that Bartell's offerings are quite impressive:

  • Variable Speed Control: Some models come equipped with variable speed control systems allowing for fine-tuning depending on the material being mixed—be it grout, drywall mud, or stucco.
  • High Mixing Capacity: Capable of handling large volumes of material at once reduces the number of batches needed. This efficiency translates into time savings on larger projects.

Lastly, safety is an integral part of any tool's design—and Bartell understands this well:

  • Safety Features: Equipped with safety guards around moving parts and emergency stop mechanisms as standard precautions reduce the risk of accidents during operation.

By integrating durability with versatility while ensuring user-friendly operation and prioritizing safety measures, Bartell's mortar mixers offer tangible benefits that professionals in masonry work highly value. Their reputation is not just about performance—it’s also about providing peace of mind through reliable equipment designed for long-term use.

How to Choose the Right Bartell Mortar Mixer for Your Needs

Selecting the ideal Bartell mortar mixer involves understanding project requirements and assessing features that align with your construction needs. It's crucial to consider mixer capacity, which is typically measured in cubic feet. For small projects or repair work, a mixer with a capacity of 2-3 cubic feet may suffice. Larger scale operations might necessitate mixers with capacities ranging from 6 to 9 cubic feet or more.

  • Evaluate Project Size

Another significant factor is the power source. Bartell offers both gas and electric powered mixers. Gas-powered mixers provide mobility since they don't require an electrical outlet, but they may not be suitable for indoor use due to ventilation concerns. Electric mixers are quieter and emit no fumes, making them ideal for indoor projects or in areas where noise pollution is a concern.

  • Power Source Options

Durability also plays a pivotal role when choosing a mortar mixer; thus it's important to look into the build quality of the machine. Bartell mortar mixers boast sturdy construction and are designed to withstand rigorous conditions on job sites. Look for models featuring thick drum walls and robust paddles which ensure long-term reliability.

  • Check Durability Features

Ease of operation should never be overlooked as it can significantly affect productivity levels on-site. Mixers with ergonomic designs that allow easy loading, mixing, unloading, and cleaning will streamline workflow processes, reducing downtime between batches.

Mixer mobility must be considered if you're working across various locations or need to move around within a large site often; some models come equipped with wheel kits while others are stationary.

  • Consider Ease of Operation & Mobility

By taking all these factors into account—capacity requirements, power source preference, durability standards, operational ease, and mobility—you'll be well-equipped in selecting the right Bartell mortar mixer that best fits your specific demands within any given project scenario.

Tips for Using Bartell Mortar Mixers

When handling Bartell mortar mixers, it's imperative to prioritize safety. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves and goggles. Ensure that the mixer is on a stable and level surface before starting any operation. This reduces the risk of tipping over during the mixing process.

Understanding your project's requirements can greatly influence the efficiency of using a Bartell mortar mixer. For example, use the correct type of mortar mix for your specific application – be it masonry, stucco, or high-strength repair mortars. Moreover:

  • Adjust water amounts based on material consistency needs
  • Use clean water to prevent contamination which can affect setting times and strength
  • Measure ingredients accurately to maintain consistency in batches

Regular maintenance extends the lifespan of any machinery; this holds true for Bartell mortar mixers as well. After each use:

  • Clean all components thoroughly
  • Inspect paddles and replace if worn
  • Check electrical connections for signs of wear or damage

Incorporating these practices ensures that your mixer remains reliable and ready for future projects.

Finally, don’t overlook the importance of reading and understanding the manufacturer’s manual. It provides vital information about:

  • Assembly instructions
  • Operating procedures
  • Troubleshooting tips
  • Service intervals

Bartell mortar mixers are designed with user-friendliness in mind — make sure you're familiar with their features like adjustable speeds and various capacity options to maximize productivity on site.

Remember that good preparation contributes significantly to successful outcomes when working with concrete and masonry materials. Preparing all necessary elements before beginning mixing leads to smoother operation without unnecessary interruptions.

Using these tips will help you achieve optimal results while maintaining a safe work environment when using Bartell mortar mixers.

Maintenance and Care for Bartell Mortar Mixers

Proper maintenance is vital to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of Bartell mortar mixers. A strict adherence to regular checks can prevent downtime and costly repairs.

  • Routine Inspections: Daily inspections are crucial. Before use, operators should check for loose bolts, worn belts, or damaged blades. Any issues must be addressed immediately to avoid further damage or safety hazards.
  • Lubrication: Regular lubrication of moving parts prevents wear and tear. The manufacturer’s manual will provide a specific schedule and the right type of lubricant to use.
  • Cleaning: After each use, the mixer should be thoroughly cleaned to prevent mortar from hardening on the machine which can impair its function.
Maintenance TaskFrequency
LubricationAs recommended
CleaningAfter every use
Belt tension adjustmentMonthly

Consistent belt tension adjustments will ensure efficient operation. Over time, belts can stretch and lose tension which reduces the efficiency of your Bartell mortar mixer.

A well-documented maintenance log helps track servicing intervals and part replacements. This record keeping not only aids in maintaining a consistent maintenance routine but also provides valuable information when troubleshooting potential problems.

Seasonal storage requires special attention too; if your mixer will be idle during colder months it's important to store it in a dry place with all fluids drained to prevent rusting and freezing damage.

Replacement parts should always match original specifications. Using genuine Bartell replacement parts guarantees compatibility with your mixer, thereby maintaining its performance integrity.

By following these guidelines, users can significantly extend their equipment’s lifespan while ensuring that their Bartell mortar mixers remain reliable workhorses on any job site.


Bartell Mortar Mixers stand out in the construction industry for their reliability and efficiency. They've become a staple on job sites due to their durable design and consistent performance. The mixers play a critical role in ensuring that high-quality mortar is available for various construction tasks, which is essential for the integrity of any building project.

Contractors and construction companies often highlight several key benefits:

  • Durability that withstands tough job site conditions
  • User-friendly operation minimizing training time
  • Versatility with different materials beyond just mortar
  • Low maintenance requirements reducing long-term costs

With these advantages, Bartell Mortar Mixers not only save time but also contribute to smoother operations on site. They're engineered to meet the demands of professional masons who require equipment they can rely on day after day.

Choosing the right model from Bartell's range depends on specific project needs. Whether it's the compact models favored for smaller jobs or larger units designed for extensive projects, there's a mixer tailored to suit various scales of work. It’s crucial for buyers to assess their workload and select accordingly.

Ultimately, investing in a Bartell Mortar Mixer is an investment in quality and efficiency. Those in the market for reliable mixing equipment will find these mixers to be among the top contenders, offering peace of mind through consistent performance and durability. As technology advances, one can anticipate further enhancements from Bartell that will continue to set their products apart within this competitive field.

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