
Imer Concrete Pumps

8 products

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products
Save $2,655.01
IMER Koine 4 Hi-FLOW Continuous Mixer / Concrete Pump. - 220volt 3phase Electric 1106004IMER Koine 4 Hi-FLOW Continuous Mixer / Concrete Pump. - 220volt 3phase Electric 1106004
Save $3,330.01
Imer Step Up 120A Material Concrete Pump, 10hp High Flow 3 Phase 220v 1106054Imer Step Up 120A Material Concrete Pump, 10hp High Flow 3 Phase 220v 1106054
Save $2,090.01
IMER Step Up Concrete Pump 120 - 7.5 HP - 3Phase 220v Hi Performance 1106181IMER Step Up Concrete Pump 120 - 7.5 HP - 3Phase 220v Hi Performance 1106181
Save $2,145.01
IMER Step Up 120 Single Phase 220volt Electric Concrete Pump / with Spraying Options 1106180IMER Step Up 120 Single Phase 220volt Electric Concrete Pump / with Spraying Options 1106180
Save $6,899.01
IMER Prestige 300 Towable Diesel Hydraulic Material Concrete Pump Sprayer 1106133IMER Prestige 300 Towable Diesel Hydraulic Material Concrete Pump Sprayer 1106133
Save $1,070.01
IMER Mighty Small 50 EVO Concrete Pump ONLY - 110 volt Power 1106344IMER Mighty Small 50 EVO Concrete Pump ONLY - 110 volt Power 1106344
Save $2,445.01
IMER Koine 3.5 220v Single Phase Continuous Mixer / Concrete Pump / Spraying Machine 1106051IMER Koine 3.5 220v Single Phase Continuous Mixer / Concrete Pump / Spraying Machine 1106051
Save $1,155.01
IMER  Small 50 PLUS Concrete Pump with 3HP Motor 220volt Single Phase 1106345IMER  Small 50 PLUS Concrete Pump with 3HP Motor 220volt Single Phase 1106345

Imer Concrete Pumps: Essential Guide for Buyers

Sourcing the right equipment for construction projects is critical, and when it comes to laying down concrete efficiently, Putzmeister Concrete Pumps are often the go-to choice. Known for their reliability and versatility, these pumps have become a staple in various construction sites worldwide. They cater to a range of applications from residential building to large scale commercial developments.

Putzmeister's advanced technology ensures that concrete is transported and poured with precision, which is vital in maintaining structural integrity. The company offers different models of concrete pumps designed to meet specific project needs – from truck-mounted boom pumps ideal for large slabs and high-rise buildings to stationary trailer pumps suited for smaller jobs or areas with limited access.

Professionals in the construction industry favor Putzmeister Concrete Pumps not only for their performance but also for the after-sales support that accompanies each purchase. With regular maintenance facilitated by accessible parts and responsive service teams, these machines promise longevity and continuous productivity on job sites.

What are Concrete Pumps?

Concrete pumps are an essential part of modern construction sites, facilitating the transfer of liquid concrete to specific locations within a project. They utilize a system of pipes and hoses to deliver concrete where it's needed, especially when the pour site is not accessible by other means or when speed and efficiency are crucial.

These machines come in various types, each designed for particular applications. Boom pumps feature a robotic arm that efficiently places concrete at precise points on large-scale projects like high-rises or over obstacles. On the other hand, line pumps are better suited for smaller jobs, pumping concrete through hoses laid across distances where boom pumps can't reach.

The versatility of concrete pumps has led to their widespread adoption across construction projects. Statistics show that using these machines can improve efficiency significantly. For instance:

Speed of PourUp to 5 times faster than traditional methods
Volume of Concrete DeliveredCan handle hundreds of cubic yards per hour
Reduction in LaborFewer workers needed compared to manual pours

Moreover, the safety benefits cannot be overstated; they reduce the need for workers to carry heavy loads over potentially hazardous terrain.

Manufacturers like IMER Group have been innovating in this space, offering a range of models that cater to different industry needs while ensuring reliability and ease of operation. Their equipment is known for durability which translates into reduced downtime for maintenance and repairs—key factors that drive project timelines and costs.

Benefits of Using Concrete Pumps

Concrete pumps have revolutionized the construction industry, offering a multitude of advantages that enhance efficiency and quality. They are pivotal in modern construction processes for several reasons.

Speed is a significant factor when using concrete pumps. These machines allow for the rapid transfer of concrete to the desired location, which is especially useful in large-scale projects where time is of essence. The swift delivery facilitated by concrete pumps means deadlines can be met with greater assurance, reducing labor costs and increasing overall productivity.

Accuracy and reduced waste stand out as key benefits. Concrete pumps provide precise placement of material, minimizing spills and excess. This improved accuracy not only reduces waste but also ensures a cleaner worksite, contributing to safer working conditions for laborers.

Versatility is another hallmark of concrete pump technology. With different types available such as boom pumps or line pumps, they can navigate through various environments — whether it's reaching high up into a skyscraper or extending into a backyard for a residential project. Their ability to deliver concrete over long distances, around obstacles, and to great heights underscores their adaptability across diverse construction scenarios.

Furthermore, enhanced quality comes hand-in-hand with the use of these machines. The continuous flow provided by concrete pumps leads to fewer air pockets within the poured foundations and slabs. A more homogeneous mix results in stronger structures with better longevity.

Lastly, environmental impact cannot be overlooked. By optimizing material usage and reducing spillage through precision pumping, less excess concrete needs to be produced — leading to lower carbon emissions associated with cement manufacturing.

Types of Concrete Pumps

Selecting the right concrete pump is vital for any construction project as it can significantly impact the efficiency and success of concrete placement. Imer Group, a prominent manufacturer in the construction industry, offers various types of concrete pumps to suit different project needs.

Boom or Truck-Mounted Pump

These pumps are mounted on a truck and use a remote-controlled articulating robotic arm, known as a boom, to accurately place concrete. They're particularly useful for large construction projects due to their ability to pump high volumes of concrete and reach greater heights. Operators can maneuver the boom over obstacles and pour directly into the desired location, making them ideal for tasks that would be challenging with traditional methods.

  • Advantages:

Line Pump or Trailer-Mounted Pump

Line pumps are more compact units that are towed behind a vehicle and use flexible hoses to pump concrete where needed. These are excellent choices for smaller projects such as sidewalks, swimming pools, or residential slabs where less volume but greater flexibility is required.

  • Advantages:

Stationary or Static Pump

Stationary pumps are fixed in one place during operation and often used in conjunction with separate placing booms. They're suitable for projects like high-rise buildings or large slabs where continuous high-volume pumping is needed over an extended period.

  • Advantages:

Choosing between these options depends heavily on factors like project size, accessibility issues, and the volume of concrete required. For example:

  • A contractor working on a multi-story building might opt for a stationary pump because it enables them to continuously deliver large quantities of concrete vertically.
  • Conversely, when dealing with small home renovations requiring precision in confined spaces, line pumps could offer the best solution.

Construction professionals often rely on Imer's reputation for quality equipment when selecting their preferred type of concrete pump. By understanding each type's unique capabilities and limitations they're better equipped to make informed decisions that streamline operations while ensuring structural integrity.

How Do Concrete Pumps Work?

Concrete pumps are sophisticated pieces of construction equipment that are essential for transporting concrete to specific locations at a construction site. They employ a motorized process to move liquid concrete through a series of hoses and pipes. Understanding the mechanics behind these machines is crucial for those in the construction industry.

At the heart of a concrete pump is its twin-cylinder hydraulic piston system. Here's how it generally works:

  • The first cylinder draws liquid concrete into the pump from a hopper.
  • Simultaneously, the second cylinder pushes concrete out through a discharge pipe.
  • This action is repeated continuously, with valves controlling which cylinder is open to the hopper and which is connected to the discharge pipe.

The operation relies on hydraulic power; thus, both cylinders are connected via a hydraulic loop for synchronized actions. The efficiency of this mechanism allows for pumping concrete vertically or horizontally over significant distances.

Two main types of pumps are used in the industry: boom pumps and line pumps. Boom pumps have an articulating robotic arm (the "boom") that can be remotely controlled, allowing precise placement of concrete with minimal labor. Line pumps, on the other hand, use flexible or steel hoses attached to their outlet and require manual placement of hoses.

TypeDescriptionUsage Scenario
Boom PumpHas robotic arm for automated placementLarge-scale projects & high rises
Line PumpUtilizes flexible or steel hosesSmaller projects & confined spaces

Concrete pumping isn't just about moving material from point A to B—it's also about maintaining consistency and quality throughout the pour. Operators must monitor several factors:

  • The mix design of concrete
  • The distance and height it needs to be pumped
  • Environmental conditions such as temperature

By carefully managing these aspects, operators ensure that they deliver a consistent product without blockages or segregation within the mix during transport.

In essence, imer Concrete Pumps exemplify efficiency and precision in modern construction methods by saving time, reducing manpower needs, and ensuring high-quality pours even in challenging locations. Their versatility has made them indispensable tools on job sites worldwide where reliable delivery of mixed concrete is paramount.

Choosing the Right Concrete Pump for Your Project

Selecting the appropriate concrete pump for a construction project can significantly affect efficiency, cost, and overall success. Imer concrete pumps are well-known in the industry for their reliability and performance, but it's crucial to choose a model that aligns with project-specific requirements.

  • Assess the Project Size: For small to medium-sized projects, such as residential slabs or swimming pools, a trailer-mounted pump might be sufficient. These pumps offer flexibility and ease of use. In contrast, large-scale commercial projects often necessitate truck-mounted boom pumps that can deliver high volumes of concrete over greater distances and heights.
  • Consider the Concrete Mix: The type of concrete mix being used is another critical factor. Some mixes may contain larger aggregates which require a pump with adequate power and a suitable hopper size to handle the material without clogging.
  • Evaluate Job Site Access: Accessibility is key when deploying concrete pumps. Sites with limited space may benefit from compact pump designs or those offering remote-controlled booms to maneuver around obstacles effectively.

Here's an example table showcasing hypothetical data on different Imer concrete pump models suitable for various project types:

ModelTypeMax OutputVertical Reach
Imer Small 50Trailer Pump25 m³/hN/A
Imer Boomix M429Truck-Mounted90 m³/h29m

These specifications suggest that while the Imer Small 50 could serve smaller endeavors perfectly, larger tasks would likely require the heftier Boomix M429's capabilities.

Lastly, after-sales service plays an important role in maintaining equipment uptime. Opting for an Imer product comes with access to expert support services and parts availability which are essential considerations when choosing your pumping solution.

Maintaining and Caring for Concrete Pumps

Proper maintenance of concrete pumps is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Regular checks can prevent costly breakdowns, ensuring these machines operate efficiently on job sites. Here's how to keep them in top shape:

  • Daily Inspections should be a part of the routine. Operators need to check for wear and tear on hoses, seals, and other components. It's essential to spot issues early before they escalate into significant problems.
  • Lubrication plays a critical role in maintaining a concrete pump's parts. Make sure all moving parts are adequately greased to reduce friction and prevent premature wear.
  • Record Keeping helps track maintenance history which is beneficial for diagnosing recurring issues or scheduling preventative maintenance.

Here are some key points that operators should remember:

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations
  • Use only specified grades of oils and lubricants
  • Replace worn parts immediately to avoid further damage

Concrete pumping equipment represents a significant investment; thus caring for it properly not only extends its life but also ensures safety on-site. Regular training sessions for operators can result in better handling and upkeep of these complex machines.

Operators who take pride in their equipment contribute greatly to its care. A well-maintained pump will have fewer mechanical failures, translating into uninterrupted work periods which saves time and money – an outcome that benefits everyone involved in the construction project.


Understanding the capabilities and applications of Imer concrete pumps is crucial for professionals in the construction industry. These machines offer efficiency and reliability that can significantly improve project outcomes. With a range of models tailored to different needs, Imer provides solutions whether for small residential tasks or large commercial projects.

Key takeaways about Imer concrete pumps include:

  • Their advanced technology ensures precise concrete placement.
  • The brand's commitment to safety is evident in their pump designs.
  • Imer offers various models, making it easy to find the right fit for any job size.

It's essential for potential buyers to consider factors such as pump capacity, ease of operation, and after-sales support when selecting a concrete pump. Investing in an Imer concrete pump could result in substantial long-term benefits due to its durable construction and consistent performance.

Contractors who choose Imer are equipped with a dependable tool that enhances productivity on-site. They're not only investing in equipment but also in a partnership with a reputable manufacturer known for quality and innovation.

Overall, those who prioritize efficiency, safety, and technical support will find that Imer concrete pumps stand out as an intelligent choice within the competitive market of construction machinery.

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